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Worm threat to Internet still very much alive

A Petersfield Internet expert claims the threat of the powerful Code Red worm is still a menacing one.  
Although the predicted apocalyptic results on computer systems around the world failed to materialise when the worm struck for a second time at the end of July Graham Allen, of The Page Designer, still believes computer users should remain diligent. He insists that the danger of infection from the Code Red Worm is still present.  
The threat posed by the spread of Code Red has been the subject of global speculation, after the virus defaced websites on the Internet last month, infecting more than 250,000 systems in just nine hours.  
Its strength was such that it was considered to be able to induce the meltdown of the entire Internet.  
He believes its failure to impact quite so seriously again on July 31 pays homage to increasing sophistication and diligence in the computer industry, which is rapidly learning to arm itself more effectively against such virus strikes.  
The Code Red worm operates by seeking vulnerability in the Indexing service in Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS) - the access to Internet service provided with most versions of Windows NT and 2000. To combat its effects, knowledgeable ISP's have installed a patch supplied by Microsoft which works like a vaccination to inhibit the attack.  
Graham Allen points out the continuing need for computer users to be proactive in seeking such protection for their IT system.  
He said "Computer systems can be armed very effectively against such viruses as Code Red, but it is the duty of those using them to check that their ISP is experienced and competent in providing such protection and that they employ and train staff to deal specifically with this issue".  
The Page Designer was set up two years ago by teenage entrepreneur Graham Allen (19). The company now specialises in web page design, hosting, network installation, hardware and software installation, database development, IT support and is a training and Internet consultancy.


Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates said on Wednesday 23rd May 2001 that the bursting of the dot-com bubble is not the end of the technology boom, only "the end of the beginning".  
Gates told a meeting at Microsoft's CEO Summit "The next decade is the big one. This is the decade when your involvement with computing will be pervasive".  
source: ZDNet UK


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