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Internet security spending to soar

Reproduced from The Times Business, 27 August 2003.  
"Spending on internet security is expected to soar over the next year and beyond in the wake of the recent outbreak of the Sobig.F computer virus.  
Big companies and software firms are preparing themselves for a surge in computer security budgets amid fears of systems breakdowns. Small businesses also voiced concern about rising costs of security."

We take security seriously, so please contact us to discuss your computer, internet, web and email security.

Huge costs and big losses can be incurred by poor security.  
These include:  
  • Loss of data  
  • Loss of email  
  • Damaged and broken networks and systems  
  • Cost of emergency teams to put things right  
  • Damaged customer relations  
  • Angry and frustrated staff  
  • Staff overtime in getting things up and running  
  • General down time of the computers  
  • Cash flow problems caused by a slow down in work and invoicing.


One billion users will drive the Internet by 2005  
With fifteen percent of the world's population online, e-commerce will boom to $5tn.  
The Global Market Forecast for Internet Usage and Commerce claims that fifteen percent of the global population will be online in four year (a seventy percent compound annual growth rate in Internet spending from $354bn in the year 2000).  
And, Europe is likely to take pole position.  
source: ZDNet UK


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